Does exercising offer more than fitness in Type 2 Diabetes?

If you thought exercising is only going to help you get and stay fit while you struggle keeping blood sugar or Type 2 Diabetes in control, the recently conducted research study by the researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas suggest exercising may benefit you more.

The researchers after having taken a look at the health records from people with Type 2 diabetes found that people who have been exercising have lower body fat, smaller waist size and better and controlled blood sugar in comparison to inactive people. The effects were reported to be positive irrespective of the fact whether they involved themselves in aerobic exercises, resistance training or a combination of both. Interestingly, the effects were found positive even if they did not record of any cardiorespiratory (heart and lung) fitness.

According to Dr Jarett Berry, co-author and associate professor of Internal Medicine and Clinical Sciences at UT Southwestern, it has been observed that exercise has the power to improve diabetes control regardless of improvement in exercise capacity.

In the study published on June 17, 2015 in Diabetes Care journal, about 30 percent participants who exercised were considered as non-responders. The researchers revealed that these people cannot improve their cardiorespiratory fitness in spite of exercising regularly.

According to Dr Berry, there is a need to broaden the understanding of what it exactly means to respond to exercise training. This is with reference to the fact that some of the diabetics who exercised did not have improvements in the respect to their cardiorespiratory fitness but showed the signs of gaining of health benefits. This suggested that the definition of non-responder is too narrow and needs to be re-looked at.

The exercise programs for the Type 2 Diabetics should track improvements in blood sugar levels, body fat and waist size.

Source: News Release, UT Southwestern Medical Center, June 17, 2015

Why should Diabetics choose their footwear carefully?

It is very essential to choose the proper footwear for every diabetic as well as for people with any kind foot deformities or problems. A diabetic foot is difficult to manage and may develop health problems due to lack of insulin production.

Diabetic foot problems may occur due to nerve damages in the feet that may lead to peripheral neuropathy (damage to nerves of the peripheral nervous system). It may also make the body unable to heal owing to poor blood circulation or ischemia. This could result in making the person less likely to feel minor cuts, blisters or even the pressure sores. This could lead to development of gangrene or ulcers and require amputation if the injuries are left untreated.

Choose the footwear that fits you best!

Along with daily foot care, wearing proper and fitting footwear is an equal must for all diabetics. Cotton sports socks with roomy shoes is ideal for diabetic feet.

Focus on the following points before getting a pair of therapeutic footwear for yourself.

Get your feet measured each time while buying new shoes since the foot size and shape changes over time. 

Get well-fitting shoes at the time of purchase. Feel the inside of the shoes with your hands for stiff or scratchy seams, or any rigid well-defined structure.

Always wear well-fitting shoes that are supportive with low heels (less than 5 cm high) and does not rub or pinch to avoid increased pressure on the ball of the foot. 

Your shoes should not have any ridges, sharp points or any potentially harmful pressure points. The footwear should have proper ankle support.

Shoes should be well-cushioned with ample room for toes and should have space to wiggle all of your toes.

Avoid wearing pointed-toe heels, sandals and worn-out shoes. Sandals that have straps between the toes are unsuitable and may cause irritation.

Choose rocker-bottom shoes with the sole angled up from the ground at the heel and toe to reduce pressure from the joints and stress off the skin across the feet. 

Ill-fitting footwear may contribute in alleviating problems in your feet. A regular check-up, changing footwear every 3 to 6 months can prevent many problems even before they start.

Bags: Necessity causing a big pain?

In most of the interviews of the celebrities, when they are asked about the two or three they must carry while leaving the house, you will hear them talk about the car keys, the wallet and the phone. And when you ask yourself about it, you will inevitably end up saying “Well, actually all of these necessary items are dumped in a single sack called the BAG!” Big bags, bag packs or the smaller hand bags are in fashion now, out of which the bigger ones make it far easier. But what we are missing out is the “big trouble” these bags are causing us.

Bags for all occasions!

The bag makers have given us trendy all purpose bags which fits in our work life comfortably. Whether it’s for school or office, a Saturday night-out or a corporate meet, we find bags for every occasion stacked up in our closet. And the count keeps on increasing without thinking how troublesome they are. School backpacks, purses, handbags, wallets, business bags, laptop bags are the most common types. We keep on over sizing them without realizing the potential risk posed to the spine causing imbalance to the body and the organs.

Lifestyle at workplaces at present demands us to stay prepared for all kinds of surprise appointments. This indicates that we have to make our bags into a mobile house. While wallets, keys, phone and a water bottle are the ones we need, mp3 players or iPods, novels, books and papers, sun glasses, make-up kit, mini umbrellas are the ones counted as regular stuff now.

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Health issues caused due to bags

Back pain, soft tissue injuries and postural misalignment are the outcomes of carrying a heavy bag for a long time. Our backs are probably the only portion of body we take for granted. Carrying the average 2.2 kilo weighing handbag on the same shoulder can result in muscle pain and a lopsided spine. Moreover, if carried for a longer period, shoulder and neck muscles end up very sore and tender, sometimes resulting in spasms too. A heavy bag can also permanently disfigure the person as it pulls on the nerves from the vertebral column into the arm.

How to save yourself now?

What we now need to do is remember the following to allow long term health benefits.

ü  Lighten the load of your bag by taking only those considered necessary for the day. You can leave your sun glasses back when attending a late night party or keep a spare mobile charger at work.

ü  Take only those make-up items which you will use for the touch-ups instead of the entire range.

ü  You can divide your stuff into two portions and lessen the load.

ü  Replace the worn out bags with the new ones. The satchel style is a good option when you are carrying heavy load.

ü  Look for bags which have multiple pockets so that you can divide the things evenly inside.

ü  Swap those straps from one shoulder to the other every often to avoid increasing pressure.

ü  If you are carrying a laptop bag, look for a backpack with a padded back instead of the sling-style ones. Taking them on one shoulder causes uneven loading. An alternate would be switching sides and holding it close to the side. It is better to choose a light-weight laptop when frequent trips are marked on your calendar.

ü  In case of purse and handbags, avoid thin and long straps and chain handles.

ü  Heavy bags coupled with the killer stilettos is another cause for serious joint complications. Wearing high heels (over 4 cm) cause spine to unnaturally curve and tilt the pelvis towards the back resulting in knee and back ache. This causes spinal stress. Keep a pair of formal shoes at your work place (the heeled ones) and wear the flat ones to avoid unnecessary back pain every day.

ü  Wallets may be smaller but can aggravate back pain. When sitting with the wallets in the back pocket, it can damage the key nerves like the sciatica verve. A smaller, thinner style wallet is good and removing it from the back pocket while sitting is suggested.

ü  Backpacks are usually recommended for the school and college going kids. Wearing both the straps is necessary to evenly distribute the weight. Keep the load of the backpack within 10-15 percent of the body weight and carry only what is needed. Wear the backpack over the middle back muscles.

ü  Practice yoga to improve the core stability and flexibility making the body less prone to injury.

Importance of an Annual Health Check

There are two categories of people whom we do not like to remember in our daily lives. One is the medical practitioners or Doctors and the other one being the lawyers. We hate visiting these people simply because meeting them doesn’t earn us happy memories (except in rare occasions).

While the existence of lawyers in our lives is not too much, the same cannot be told about the doctors. Most of us do not consider going to the doctor unless we are suffering from ailment or identify symptoms related to some health disorder. We really do not tell ourselves, let’s go to the doctor and get a check-up done.

None of us will ever dream of falling sick or becoming prey to chronic ailments that will keep us away from the yummy food and make us weak. However, there is always a risk of inheriting the common chronic diseases such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Heart ailments, High Cholesterol levels, etc. All these disorders can be avoided if they are detected at the onset and kept under check.

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Why do you need them annually?

An annual health check-up makes you go through regular health tests and physical examinations that can help in finding out problems even before they start. The earlier these problems are detected, the chances of treating them on time and curing is more. It is only a safety measure for you to live longer and lead a healthier life.

Given our changing lifestyle today, we are now more well-versed with stress and work pressure than a peaceful and sound sleep. We know how much time we will dedicate to office hours but not to the work out we have been planning since time immemorial. We are hardly aware of the variations that keep happening in our body weight, blood sugar levels, blood pressure because we do not keep a track of these numbers.

The purpose is to:

1.       Take a primary preventive measure
2.       Identify of risk factors for the onset of chronic ailments
3.       Identify of disorders that do not show the most apparent symptoms
4.       Helps in counselling people to lead a healthier lifestyle
5.       Make you aware of the latest updates in medical science and preventive measures that one should take

How often do you need them?

Medical experts suggest that:
a.       Every five years for adults over 18 years old until 40 years old (except for those taking prescribed medications)
b.      Every three years for adults above 40 years old to check for symptoms that may prompt the beginning of a medical problem

List of basic health tests you should undergo, as suggested by medical experts:

1.       Blood pressure
2.       Random Blood Sugar
3.       Blood Grouping and Rh Typing
4.       Kidney Profile (Serum Creatinine)
5.       Liver Function Test (SGPT)
6.       ECG
7.       Urine Routine and Microscopy
8.       Stool Routine
9.       Chest X Ray
10.   Physical Examination

There are specialised health check-up packages available such Heart Health, Women’s Health, Men’s Health, Happy Child and many such packages. One can opt for the type of package that he or she has been recommended for based on diseases already suffering from.

If don’t have a physician to recommend a test

You may be one of them who keeps travelling and do not have a regular physician to consult every time for all your health related queries. In such a case, the ideal way to go ahead is to find one in your home town and as for the health check-ups, walk into a well-known multi-specialty hospital in the city where you are currently based and schedule a health check-up at your convenient date and time. Many of the hospitals also provide home care services. You may avail that as well.

Happy Health!